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Pasadena Drug Possession Lawyer

Drug Possession Penalties in California

Have you been caught in possession of an illegal drug? If you are in possession of less than 28.5 grams of marijuana, you can't be arrested under California state law. Instead, you will be given a $100 fine for committing a civil infraction. Possessing any illegal drugs over this quantity is a criminal offense that will be prosecuted in court.

Unless you take action to defend yourself against a drug possession allegation, you will face severe penalties and have a conviction on your criminal record for years to come. A criminal record will show up whenever you are required to pass a background check for employment, housing or credit, and expungement is the only method for erasing one's criminal record. The penalties of a drug possession conviction can also result in up to 6 months in county jail, as well as a strict term of probation.

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for a diversion program or alternative sentencing under Proposition 36. Also known as the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, Proposition 36 allows first and second time nonviolent, simple drug possession offenders the chance to receive substance abuse treatment instead of incarceration.

Defending Your Rights Against Drug Possession Charges

One of the most important questions in a drug possession case is whether the defendant's Constitutional Rights were violated during the arrest. Police in our area are eager to make arrests for drug crimes, and this can result in charges being filed based on illegally gathered evidence. If your Pasadena criminal attorney can demonstrate that the arresting officer didn't have probable cause to search your person or your vehicle, the judge may deem that the evidence is inadmissible.

Contact Our Drug Possession Attorney in Pasadena Today

If you have been arrested for marijuana possession, your case is made more complicated by the fact that our state has decriminalized medical marijuana. This could play into your defense, and your Pasadena criminal defense lawyer will discuss the case with you in detail by looking at everything from your previous criminal history to the circumstances of your arrest in order to find the best strategy for your situation. In order to find out more about what you can do to fight the charges, meet with an attorney from our criminal defense firm in Pasadena today.

Contact a Pasadena drug crimes attorney to fight your charges of drug possession.

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  • Know Your Rights
    What you need to know to protect yourself after being arrested or criminally charged.
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  • You Get the Attorney You Hired
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  • We Get Results!
    We do what it takes to get the best possible result, including motions and jury trial.
  • We Keep You Informed
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  • We Find Alternatives to Jail
    We are experts in finding alternative options should jail be an issue in your case.